The Bosc Monitor
The Bosc Monitor, also known as the Savannah Monitor (Varanus exanthematicus) is a large bodied monitor from Eastern and Northern Africa. An adult Bosc Monitor can exceed five feet in length, although three to four foot is more average. They can weigh up to 2kg and are prone to obesity in captivity, with an almost unrivalled appetite.
Whilst they’re not complicated to care for, we consider these an intermediate reptile species. This is due to their sourcing, size and patience requirements.
Bosc Husbandry
Daily Chores
● Fresh water daily
● Spot clean daily (Full clean once a month)
● Spray Daily
● Use F10 Veterinary Disinfectant
Vets and Insurance
● Exotics Vets are not easy to find, here in Brighton we use Coastways in Kemptown as they have an exotic vet called Celine. It is essential you find an exotic vet.
● There is insurance you can get for your reptile through Exotic Direct.
Bosc Monitor Diet
The use of high-quality reptile supplements in the correct amounts at the correct frequencies will help to ensure optimum bone health and skin health for your reptile, and help to avoid a plethora of nutrition-related illnesses such as metabolic bone disease.
EarthPro-A at every feed on all food items, CalciumPro Mg at every 4th feed, A quality full-spectrum powder with D3 and A can be offered at feed 6 or 8. We then carry on with this cycle.
Check out the feeding schedule using the link below
Bugs – Every other day
Frozen prey – Once a fortnight
Minimum rehoming Requirements for a Bosc Monitor
You can source all enclosures, equipment, electrics and decor from us as we run a shop.
- 8ft x 3ft x 3ft Vivarium
- Arcadia Reptile ProT5 54W 12% Kit £75
- 100W Arcadia Reptile Halogen £15
- 80W Arcadia Reptile Deep Heat Projector £21
- Dimming thermostat £55 (you will need 2 thermostats)
- Arcadia Reptile Ceramic bulb holder and plug £15 (you will need 2 bulb holders)
- Habistat Heat Cage £15 (you will need 2 cages)
- Substrate and decor is up to you. We advice a Sand X Soil mix as substrate and a minimum of 2 hides and a water dish.
Setting up your Bosc Monitor Enclosure
When installing the electrics in your enclosure, you want to create a warm side and cooler side. The halogen and UVB create the warm side. While the ceramic provides a boost to ambient temps when needed
When you buy everything from us, we can set up your enclosure free of charge