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Rehoming Requirements

Chelonia: Rehoming Requirements
Sulcata Tortoise Rehoming Package

Sulcata Tortoise Rehoming Package

Sulcata tortoises (Geochelone sulcata) also known as the African spurred tortoise, are a unique pet tortoise to care for.

They are one of the largest tortoise species in the world and are often seen in zoos and conservatories. Despite this, the sulcata tortoise has also become quite popular in the reptile trade in recent years.

This species can live for over 100 years.

Musk Turtle Rehoming Package

Musk Turtle Rehoming Package

The common musk turtle is a member of the family Kinosternidae. It has a blackish-brown carapace that is highly domed with a vertebral keel. The keel tends to flatten out in adults, but is very prominent in hatchlings and juveniles. The plastron is reduced in size. The head of the common musk turtle typically has two distinct parallel yellow stripes that extend from the nose to the neck, though these may fade in older animals.

Tortoise Rehoming Package

Tortoise Rehoming Package

Tortoises have fascinated humans for centuries due to their unique characteristics and impressive longevity. They play important ecological roles in their environments and are often seen as symbols of endurance and stability.