Crested Gecko
Crested Geckos are small, arboreal lizards native to New Caledonia. They are known for the soft, crest-like structures that run from their eyes down their backs, giving them their name. Crested Geckos are nocturnal and have large, expressive eyes and sticky toe pads that help them climb smooth surfaces. They are easy to care for and have become popular pets due to their gentle nature, low-maintenance needs, and variety of color patterns. These geckos are omnivorous, feeding on insects and fruit-based diets. In captivity, they can live up to 15-20 years with proper care.
Scientific Name: Correlophus ciliatus
From: Native to southern New Caledonia.
Max Size: 8-10 inches long
Sleep Schedule
Crested Geckos are crepuscular meaning they are most active at dawn and dusk, although you may see your crested gecko out
basking during the day. This is good to note for light sleepers or young children who will want to be awake at the same time as the gecko.
Crested Geckos require 60-80% Humidity which means they need regular spraying in the enclosure. Incorrect humidity can lead to shedding issues or worse lose of toes etc.
Gecko Husbandry
Daily Chores
● Fresh water daily
● Daily Spraying the enclosure
● Spot Cleaning Daily (Full clean once a month)
● Use F10 Veterinary Disinfectant
Vets and Insurance
● Exotics Vets are not easy to find, here in Brighton we use Coastways in Kemptown as they have an exotic vet called Celine. It is essential you find an exotic vet.
● There is insurance you can get for your reptile through Exotic Direct.
Handling your Crested Gecko
When handling your crested gecko always be aware of your surroundings’ as crested geckos do jump. Handling sessions should be 45 minutes Maximum and ensure you are safe away from other household pets like cats and dogs.
Crested Geckos can drop their tails so always ensure you never grab or hold on to their tail.
Crested Gecko Diet
You should feed young geckos every day and adults every other day.
EarthPro-StickyFootGold is a brand new and all natural food specifically designed for Crested, Giant and Gargoyle Geckos. It can also be used to feed many species of Phelsuma ‘Day Geckos’. This is a rich and wholesome whole powdered diet that is simply mixed with cool water.
You can also use live food with Crested geckos, geckos eat a diet of live insects, which can include ‘calci worms’, waxworms and small locusts (no bigger than the size of your gecko’s head).
You also want to ensure your feeder bugs have been gut loaded (fed) before offering to your gecko. We use Arcadia Reptiles Insectfuel.
Supplementing your Geckos Diet
The use of high-quality reptile supplements in the correct amounts at the correct frequencies will help to ensure optimum bone health and skin health for your reptile, and help to avoid a plethora of nutrition-related illnesses such as metabolic bone disease.
When keeping crested geckos you only need to supplement the diet when offering live bugs. A good ready made food such as Arcadia Reptiles StickyFootGold should have supplements in the mix. Always read the ingredients list before offering food to your reptile.
Check out the feeding schedule using the link
Minimum rehoming Requirements for Crested Geckos
You can source all enclosures, equipment, electrics and decor from us as we run a shop.
- 45x45x60 Exo terra £180
- Arcadia 2.4% Shadedweller arboreal UVB Kit £40
- Arcadia deep heat projector £21
- Arcadia Clamp Lamp holder £20
- Habistat dimming thermostat £55
- Substrate and decor is up to you. We advice a Sand X Soil mix as substrate and a minimum of 2 hides and a water dish.
When you buy everything from us, we can set up your enclosure free of charge