White Tree Frog (Litoria caerulea)
The White’s tree frog is a green or blue-green frog native to Australia, Indonesia, and New Guinea. It’s a popular frog because of its petite size and facial expressions, which include sleepy-looking eyes and a smiling mouth. Its skin also has a waxy coating that allows them to tolerate more arid conditions than other common tree frog species, making them a better match for home environments.
White’s tree frogs are nocturnal, which means they are more active in the evening and night hours. These frogs are quite sedentary and docile; they often become fairly tame and tolerant of handling.
Frog Husbandry
Daily Chores
● Fresh TREATED water daily
● Daily Spraying with TREATED water
● Spot clean daily (Full clean once a month)
Vets and Insurance
● Exotics Vets are not easy to find, here in Brighton we use Coastways in Kemptown as they have an exotic vet called Celine. It is essential you find an exotic vet.
● There is insurance you can get for your reptile through Exotic Direct.
Why you MUST NOT HANDLE your Frog
Like all amphibians, frogs have a semi-permeable skin membrane over their bodies which absorbs water and its contaminants, which is why their water must be dechlorinated.
We use Aquatize here at the RSCPA. As human skin often has salt or chemicals present, handling frogs can cause them discomfort due to these being absorbed over the skin membrane. It is for this reason Pacman frogs should not be handled unless absolutely necessary, and this should only be done with clean, wet hands.
Whites Tree Frog Diet
Whites tree frogs are carnivorous and have a diet consisting of mainly livefoods. The core of the live food diet should be high in protein and relatively easy to digest.
Options for live insects can include ‘calci worms’, waxworms and locusts. To ensure that they get all of the required nutrients
to remain healthy, any live food offered to a frog should be supplemented according to a feeding schedule.
You also want to ensure your feeder bugs have been gut loaded (fed) before offering to your frog. We use Arcadia Reptiles Insectfuel.
Supplementing your Frogs Diet
The use of high-quality reptile supplements in the correct amounts at the correct frequencies will help to ensure optimum bone health and skin health for your reptile, and help to avoid a plethora of nutrition-related illnesses such as metabolic bone disease.
Use EarthPro-A at every feed and on all food items, CalciumPro Mg at every 4th feed, a quality full-spectrum powder with D3 and A can be offered at feed 6 or 8. We then carry on with this cycle
Check out the feeding schedule using the link https://www.arcadiareptile.com/earthpro/feeding-programme/herbivores/
Minimum rehoming Requirements for Whites Frog
- 45x45x60cm Exo terra for Singles
- 60x45x60cm Exo terra for Doubles
- Arcadia 2.4% Shadedweller arboreal UVB Kit £40
- Arcadia deep heat projector £21
- Arcadia Clamp Lamp holder £20
- Habistat dimming thermostat £55
Substrate and decor is up to you. We advice a Sand X Soil mix as substrate and a minimum of 2 hides and a water dish.
You can source all enclosures, equipment, electrics and decor from us as we run a shop.